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technique construction中文是什么意思

用"technique construction"造句"technique construction"怎么读"technique construction" in a sentence


  • 技术构成


  • Then it offers some pieces of advice about technique construction and institution construction ; part two : the analysis of the problems about inner risk management and external supervision . then it gives suggestion in light of the practical station ; part three : the meaning and limitation in applying duration theory to interest rate risk management . based on the analysis , it takes modification ; part four : some policy suggestion to enhance the risk management level
  • The article would have three conclusions : one , our commercial bank face huge interest rate risk because our inner management and external mechanism arrangement ; two , the most important factor is the irrationality of asset scheme ; three , apply the duration model to confirm the point and give some suggestions , which include strength the technique construction , regulate asset scheme and reform bank ’ s management system
用"technique construction"造句  
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